Beginners Guide to Node.js

An introductory course for beginners to learn Node.js, covering fundamental concepts, setting up environments, and building basic server-side applications.

RWL Code



Backend Development

Program Type

Paid Program

Program Fee

₦45,000.00 (Preoder)

Publish Date


8 Lessons |  8hrs:30min
This lesson introduces Node.js, its core features, and why it's a powerful tool for building server-side applications. You'll learn about its JavaScript runtime environment and key use cases.
Learn about Node.js modules, including built-in modules, custom modules, and how to organize code efficiently. This lesson also covers require() and exports for module management.
This lesson focuses on managing dependencies with NPM, installing and using external packages, understanding package.json, and versioning best practices for scalable applications.
Discover how Node.js handles asynchronous operations, the concept of callbacks, and how to avoid callback hell using clean and efficient patterns.
This lesson dives into the file system module, teaching how to perform file operations like reading, writing, updating, and deleting files in Node.js.
Understand how the Node.js event loop works, enabling it to handle multiple tasks concurrently using an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model.
Learn about Node.js streams for processing data efficiently, clusters for scaling applications across multiple cores, and worker threads for parallel execution.
This lesson covers creating a basic web server using Node.js, handling HTTP requests and responses, and setting up a foundation for building web applications.