Blip Computer Club helps students learn from each other through extra-curricula club membership

At Blip the club membership is meant for students in secondary school. Students can benefit from this club membership in several ways, such as Skill Development, Resume building, Networking, and Mastering Computers.

When it comes to networking, our club membwership offer a unique opportunity for students to connect with peers who share similar interests and goals. The club setting creates a safe space for members to share ideas, resources, and experiences.

This type of networking can lead to lifelong friendships, professional connections, and even future job opportunities. In addition, the connections made through the club can also help members learn about local and national resources that they may not have known about otherwise. This can be especially beneficial for students who are looking to pursue higher education or who are seeking employment.


What are they saying

Okafor Mmesoma

From: St. Anthony's secondary school, Ikenga.

Mmesoma's life-changing experience with the Blip training program was a testament to the transformative power of education and the opportunities that can arise when we embrace new technologies. In just one month, Mmesoma gained proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel, enabling her to effortlessly create, format, and edit documents and spreadsheets. The program's comprehensive and accessible knowledge, catering to beginners, allowed her to learn and grow at her own pace. Her journey serves as a reminder of the transformative power of education and the importance of providing accessible and inclusive training programs for all.

Odili Tochukwu

From: Urban Girl's secondary school, Ekwulobia.

"I can't tell you enough how much Blip Computer Program Aguluezechukwu has changed my academic life. Before the program, I was so intimidated by Ms Word. I had to depend on my aunt for help with my assignments. But now, thanks to the classes and the amazing instructors, I'm a total Ms Word whiz! I feel so much more confident and independent in my studies. Blip has really opened up a world of possibilities for me, and I'm so grateful for that.

Chibueze Uchechukwu

From: Konigin Des Friedens College in Uga,

I found Blip computer programs to be a game-changer in his academic journey. The program offers free access to essential software like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and programming, which has significantly improved her efficiency and effectiveness in the global economy. The program allows students to learn at their own pace, with tutorial videos and instructor assistance facilitating understanding of complex concepts. Additionally, the program has helped her become more organized, complete tasks faster. The founder and organizers of Blip computer programs are dedicated to helping young people succeed and providing the necessary tools and resources. Overall, Chibueze Uchechukwu highly recommends Blip to any student seeking to enhance their skills and take their academics to the next level.